Our Story

The CDC says that more than 50% of the population will be diagnosed with a mental health illness at some point in their lifetime and 1 in 5 children have had a seriously debilitating mental illness.  These are not just statistics to us.  We have firsthand experience with the struggle and pain of mental health conditions.  As our journey began, we didn’t understand that anxiety drove our respective children’s sleeplessness, nausea and separation fears.  Over time we learned the hard way how anxiety presents itself very differently in children compared to adults.  We desperately sought tools and help wherever we could get it.  

In our search for solutions, we consulted pediatricians, family therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, pastors, fellow struggling families, books, the internet, and waited over 18 months for an intake with the Mayo Clinic.  After spending hundreds of hours and tens of thousands of dollars, we often felt alone and uncertain about how to manage this struggle. 

Through our journey, we met Dr. David Lin, a leading psychologist and former president of the California Psychological Association. After over one and half years of discussion, research, and countless interviews with families struggling with anxiety, we knew we had to find a solution that is both effective and cost-effective. We learned that the struggle to find support, acquire useful tools, and more effectively manage anxiety can be addressed with intentional community, practical education, and earlier awareness. Effective Mental Health Education translates to Mental Health Intervention.

We founded beyondOK as a Public Benefits Corporation to make a positive difference and to provide cost-effective solutions to the mental health crisis.  While there isn’t a silver bullet to this epidemic, the power of education, mental health fluency, practical tools, and intentional community are essential to sustainable mental health management.  beyondOK is about doing our part to help individuals and families live their fullest life and reach their full potential.

We believe…

  • The gospel changes everything including giving us hope despite our mental health struggles

  • Mental health education is preventative mental health. 

  • Mental health fluency will fuel greater empathy and reduce ignorance and stigma

  • We are stronger at managing mental health together than alone

  • Drawing support from our respective communities makes managing mental health more sustainable

  • Sharing your story is key to personal growth

  • Addressing anxiety earlier will reduce its impact on you and your family

  • There is hope in the face of mental health challenges.